Development of e-Learning Courses for Subjects about ‘Learn and Learning’ with Moodle-based for Prospective Teacher in Indonesia

Zainul, Rahadian and Adri, Muhammad and Sriadhi, Sriadhi and Khaerudin, Khaerudin and Wahyuningtyas, Neni and Darni, Darni and Rusdinal, Rusdinal and Nasrun, Nasrun and Rahmulyani, Rahmulyani and Nuranjani, Nuranjani and Nurmaniah, Nurmaniah and Wedi, Agus and Surahman, Ence and Aisyah, Eny Nur and Oktavi, Herlina Ike and Meilanie, R. Sri Martini and Purnamawati, Siti Nuraini and Hapidin, Hapidin and Listyasari, Winda Dewi and Irsyad, Irsyad and Syafril, Syafril and Anisah, Anisah and Santoso, Yulianto and Muhardi, Muhardi and Kristanto, Andi and Susarno, Lamijan Hadi and Kuswandi, Dedi and Wardani, Ratna and Adnan, Evita (2023) Development of e-Learning Courses for Subjects about ‘Learn and Learning’ with Moodle-based for Prospective Teacher in Indonesia. Journal of Physics: Conference Series. pp. 1-8.

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Online learning is the key to the implementation of learning in the Covid 19
pandemic and the New Normal era. The purpose of this study was to determine the
effectiveness of the e-learning course on subjects 'Learn and Learning' with Moodle-based for
prospective teachers in Indonesia. This research was conducted using the Berg and Gail
development method. The development instruments were validated by experts, and further
product development was carried out in an integrated and simultaneous manner by the Higher
Education Research Consortium Team (KRUPT) from Padang State University, Malang State
University, Jakarta State University, Medan State University and Surabaya State University.
This product is declared valid by the Expert, both in content, design and IT. Tests were limited
during the Covid 19 pandemic and data collection was carried out online. Data collected in the
form of an online questionnaire to student respondents (n = 40). Based on respondent
questionnaire data, this product was declared to be very suitable for online learning, reaching
3.967 which indicated the highly acceptance level. Based on this research, it was concluded
that e-learning products for subjects with learning and learning subjects could be widely used
in the Educational Personnel Education Institution in Indonesia.

Item Type: Article
Uncontrolled Keywords: Effectiveness, e-Learning, Learn and Learning, Moodle
Subjects: Q Science > Q Science (General)
Divisions: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam > Fisika-S1
Depositing User: Aditya Shawfani S.Pd
Date Deposited: 03 Mar 2025 05:24
Last Modified: 03 Mar 2025 05:24

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