Analisis Alat Muat dan Alat Angkut dalam Upaya Pencapaian Target Produktivty OB Removal 820.700 BCM di Pit Timur PT. Artamulia Tata Pratama Job Site BHBA Tanjung Belit - Muaro Bungo.

Mulda, Rizki (2013) Analisis Alat Muat dan Alat Angkut dalam Upaya Pencapaian Target Produktivty OB Removal 820.700 BCM di Pit Timur PT. Artamulia Tata Pratama Job Site BHBA Tanjung Belit - Muaro Bungo. Diploma/Tugas Akhir thesis, Universitas Negeri Padang.

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Indonesia is a rich country in natural resources, one of them is energyresources such as coal. Coal is spread almost evenly on the island of Sumatra, oneof them is in Jambi Province. Precisely, in the village of Tanjung Belit,Kecamatan Jujuhan, Kabupaten Muaro Bungo which exploited by PT. ArtamuliaTata Pratama, PT. Artamulia Tata Pratama is a single contractor whose mining atPT. Kuansing Inti Makmur (KIM).Mining system in PT. Artamulia Tata Pratama is an open pit mining byconventional methods. Coal mining activities carried out by the method freelyexplore the selective mining (roof and floor) approximately 10 cm thick anddeparting separation of clay from the coal seam. Overburden removal mining(overburden) was conducted by combining of free explore methods to cover thesoft layer and a combining of dredging, drilling and blasting for the hard cover.Based on the data available on the PT. Artamulia Tata Pratama known thatthe target productivity Overburden removal in October 2012 amounted to820.700 Bcm, but in fact productivity Overburden removal only 642.152 BCM.with the detail of the target productivity overburden removal is only430.215 BCM in fleet A and 390.485 BCM in fleet B.To raise the target of productivity OB removal is necessary to performadditional unit load device that is 1 unit excavator and 1 units fleet transportationin A, 2 units of excavators and 2 units in fleet transportation B. With the additionof loading and transportation equipment is making the target of productivity OBremoval in the East Pit can be fulfilled.

Item Type: Thesis (Diploma/Tugas Akhir)
Subjects: T Technology > TN Mining engineering. Metallurgy
Divisions: Fakultas Teknik > Teknik Pertambangan-D3
Depositing User: Mutia Farida S.Sos
Date Deposited: 13 Feb 2025 07:45
Last Modified: 13 Feb 2025 07:45

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