Items where Division is "Fisika-S1" and Year is 2024
Aanniz, Tarik and Zeouk, Ikrame and Elouafy, Youssefy and Touhtouh, Jihane and Hassani, Ryam and Hammani, Khalil and Benali, Taoufiq and El-Shazly, Mohamed and Khalid, Assad and Abdalla, Ashraf N. and Aboulaghras, Sara and Khang, Wen Goh and Long, Chiau and Razi, Pakhrur and Bakrim, Saad and Bouyahya, Abbdelhakim (2024) Initial Report on the Multiple Biological and Pharmacological Properties of Hispolon: Exploring Stochastic Mechanisms. Elsevier, 177. pp. 1-13.
Aminuddin, Jamrud and Sabarati, Absaralita and Rahmawati, Ariantika and Razi, Pakhrur and Alimuddin, Ilham and Cahyana, Destika and Abdul Gani, Rachmat and Purbantoro, Babag and Widodo, Joko and Riyanto, Indra and Toersilowati, Laras and Awaludin, Asif and Indah Anggraini, Eca and Fadholi Gumelar, Syarul and Karolinoerita, Vicca (2024) The LST and NDVI Before and After Earthquake of West Celebes 2021 Using Terra/Aqua MODIS Satellite Image. Springer Nature Link. pp. 105-113.
Aminuddin, Jamrud and Sunardi, Sunardi and Razi, Pakhrur (2024) Additional of the Light Filter to the Telescope for Monitoring of the New Moon of the Hijri Calendar. Springer Nature Link. pp. 145-154.
Asfiya, Najmi and Razi, Pakhrur and Hidayati, Hidayati and Yulia Sari, Silvi (2024) Development of e-Module for Independent Learning of Physics Material Based on Independent Curriculum. International Journal of Information and Education Technology, 14 (5). pp. 761-769.
Diah Fannia, Tiara and Razi, Pakhrur and Aminuddin, Jamrud and Widodo, Joko and Kurniawan, Faroaji (2024) Bathymetry Changed Mapping in Pagai Island Using Remote Sensing. Springer Nature Link. pp. 1-14.
Fadilah, Reno and Razi, Pakhrur and Setiadi, Bambang (2024) Deformation Monitoring of Sipora Island Using Geodetic Global Positioning System Data. Springer Nature Link. pp. 209-222.
Hanif, Muhammad and Apichontrakul, Sarun and Razi, Pakhrur (2024) Surface Deformation Monitoring and Forecasting of Sinabung Volcano Msing Mnterferometry Synthetic Aperture Radar and Forest Based Algorithm. Elsevier, 36. pp. 1-15.
Kalusalingam, Anandarajagopal and Kamal, Kamaliah and Khan, Abdullah and Menon, Bama and Siang Tan, Ching and Narayanan, Venkateshan and Kumar, Sattanathan and Wen Goh, Khang and Razi, Pakhrur and Chiau Ming, Long (2024) Phaleria macrocarpa (Scheff.) Boerl. in Ethnopharmacology: Pharmacognosy, Safety, and Drug Development Perspectives. Progress In Microbes & Molecular Biology, 7 (1). pp. 1-30.
Kurnia, Tesa and Razi, Pakhrur and Arisa, Deasy and Widodo, Joko (2024) Deformation Monitoring on Pagai Island Using Geodetic Data. Springer Nature Link. pp. 155-174.
Maharani, Ersila and Octova, Adree and Mingsi Anaperta, Yoszi and Hazi, Mohd (2024) Multivariate Analysis of Crusher Work Time to Minimize Loss Time in Granite Mining. Springer Nature Link. pp. 29-44.
Mingsi Anaperta, Yoszi and Octova, Adree and Andika, Jordi and Adinata, Refky and Seprianti, Azizah and Razi, Pakhrur and Ampuh Hadiguna, Rika (2024) Analysis of Slope Stability Ex Disposal Area Using the Bishop Simplified Method. Springer Nature Link. pp. 241-255.
Nenggala, Monadia P. and Razi, Pakhrur and Hidayati, Hidayati and Sari, Silvi Y. (2024) Electronic Student Worksheet for Solving Problems in Physics Material Based on Problem-Based Learning. International Journal of Information and Education Technology (IJIET), 14 (7). pp. 945-954. ISSN 2010-3689
Oubannina, Samira and Jadoualib, Si Mohamed and Atifib, Hajar and Bijlaa, Laila and Ibourkia, Mohamed and Ait Bouzida, Hasna and Ait, Naima and Bouyahyad, Abdelhakim and Harhare, Hicham and Wen Gohf, Khang and Chiau Mingg, Long and Razi, Pakhrur and Gharbya, Saïd (2024) Antioxidant Activity, Physico-Chemical Properties, and Bioactive Compounds of Nigella Sativa Seeds and Oil Impacted by Microwave Processing Technique. Cell Symposia, 10. pp. 1-12.
Putri, Amalia and Razi, Pakhrur (2024) Monitoring Areas of Potential Liquefaction Based on Water Index in Padang City Indonesia Using Landsat Images. Springer Nature Link. pp. 325-353.
Putri, Rahmawati and Razi, Pakhrur (2024) Extraction of Soil Moisture Value Using ALOS PALSAR Data. Springer Nature Link. pp. 375-389.
R. Deni, Riski and Octova, Adree and Mingsi Anaperta, Yoszi and Hazizan, Mohd and Razi, Pakhrur and Hashim, Mohd (2024) Proximate Analysis, Sulfur, and Calorific Value in Determining Coal Quality. Springer Nature Link. pp. 15-27.
Yazid Pratama, Muhammad and Razi, Pakhrur (2024) Deformation Mapping After Pasaman Earthquake Using Sentinel-1 Imagery. Springer Nature Link. pp. 45-55.