Items where Author is "Zainul, Rahadian"

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Number of items: 37.

Zainul, Rahadian and Adri, Muhammad and Sriadhi, Sriadhi and Khaerudin, Khaerudin and Wahyuningtyas, Neni and Darni, Darni and Rusdinal, Rusdinal and Nasrun, Nasrun and Rahmulyani, Rahmulyani and Nuranjani, Nuranjani and Nurmaniah, Nurmaniah and Wedi, Agus and Surahman, Ence and Aisyah, Eny Nur and Oktavi, Herlina Ike and Meilanie, R. Sri Martini and Purnamawati, Siti Nuraini and Hapidin, Hapidin and Listyasari, Winda Dewi and Irsyad, Irsyad and Syafril, Syafril and Anisah, Anisah and Santoso, Yulianto and Muhardi, Muhardi and Kristanto, Andi and Susarno, Lamijan Hadi and Kuswandi, Dedi and Wardani, Ratna and Adnan, Evita (2023) Development of e-Learning Courses for Subjects about ‘Learn and Learning’ with Moodle-based for Prospective Teacher in Indonesia. Journal of Physics: Conference Series. pp. 1-8.

Zainul, Rahadian and Hashim, Norhayati and Yazid, Siti Nur Akmar Mohd and Sharif, Sharifah Norain Mohd and Ahmad, Mohamad Syahrizal and Saidin, Mohamad Idris and Suyanta, Suyanta and Sobry, M.M.C. and Isa, Illyas Md (2021) Magnesium layered hydroxide 3-(4-methoxyphenyl) propionate modified single walled carbon nanotubes as sensor for simultaneous determination of Bisphenol A and Uric Acid. International Journal of Electrochemical Science, 16 (9). pp. 1-12.

Savira, Deandra and Zainul, Rahadian (2021) Efektifitas Variasi Plat 4//4 dan 5//5 Elektroda Al/Cu terhadap Kinerja Generator Penghasil Gas Hidrogen. Ranah Research : Journal Of Multidisciplinary Research and Development, 3 (2). pp. 89-96. ISSN 2655-0865

Oktavia, Budhi and Tilla, Mardho and Nasra, Edi and Zainul, Rahadian and Amin, Muhammad (2021) Activation and Modification of Natural Silica for Anion Adsorbent. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 1788 (1). pp. 1-7. ISSN 1742-6596

Afrianti, Trayda and Zainul, Rahadian (2021) e-Learning Development on Basic Chemical Law Materials in Senior High School (SMA/MA) to Improve High Order Thinking Skill Ability. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 1783 (1). pp. 1-6. ISSN 1742-6596

Azis, Nurashikin Abd and Isa, Illyas Md and Hashim, Norhayati and Ahmad, Mohamad Syahrizal and Yazid, Siti Nur Akmar Mohd and Saidin, Mohamad Idris and Suyanta, Suyanta and Zainul, Rahadian and Ulianas, Alizar and Mawardi, Mawardi and Mukdasai, Siriboon (2020) Synergistic Effect of Zinc/aluminium-layered Double Hydroxide-clopyralid Carbon Nanotubes Paste Electrode in the Electrochemical Response of Dopamine, Acetaminophen, and Bisphenol A. International Journal of Electrochemical Science, 15 (9). pp. 9089-9107.

Arianti, Visca Alisia and Zainul, Rahadian (2020) Pengembangan E-Modul Berbasis Discovery Learning pada Materi Larutan Elektrolit dan Non Elektrolit Kelas X SMA/MA. edukimia (EKJ), 2 (2). pp. 79-84. ISSN 2502-6399

Dinata, Agil Aditya and Zainul, Rahadian (2020) Pengembangan E-Modul Larutan Penyangga Berbasis Discovery Learning Untuk Kelas XI SMA/MA. edukimia (EKJ), 2 (1). pp. 6-11. ISSN 2502-6399

Adri, Muhammad and Rusdinal, Rusdinal and Zainul, Rahadian and Darni, Darni and Sriadhi, Sriadhi and Wahyuningtyas, Neni and Khaerudin, Khaerudin and Nasrun, Nasrun and Rahmulyani, Rahmulyani and Nuranjani, Nuranjani (2020) Development of Content Learning System in Professional Education Subjects for Educational Institutions in Indonesia. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 1594 (1). pp. 1-9. ISSN 1742-6596

Sriadhi, Sriadhi and Khaerudin, Khaerudin and Wahyuningtyas, Neni and Darni, Darni and Zainul, Rahadian and Adri, Muhammad and Rusdinal, Rusdinal and Nasrun, Nasrun and Rahmulyani, Rahmulyani and Nuranjani, Nuranjani and Nurmaniah, Nurmaniah and Wedi, Agus and Surahman, Ence and Aisyah, Eny Nur and Oktaviani, Herlina Ike and Meilanie, R. Sri Martini and Purnamawati, Siti Nuraini and Hapidin, Hapidin and Listyasari, Winda Dewi and Irsyad, Irsyad and Syafril, Syafril and Anisah, Anisah and Santoso, Yulianto and Muhardi, Muhardi and Kristanto, Andi and Susarno, Lamijan Hadi and Kuswandi, Dedi and Wardani, Ratna and Adnan, Evita (2020) Development of Moodle-based Content Learning System in MKDK Student Development Subjects at LPTK in Indonesia. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 1594 (1). pp. 1-9. ISSN 1742-6596

Zainul, Rahadian and Jannah, Annisa Rayhanny and Husna, Thariqul and Afrianti, Trayda and Bahri, Hafizatul and Putri, Sinta Rahmatika and Asral, Suci Sukma Taruna and Sari, Indah Permata (2020) E-Pembelajaran Kimia: Aplikasi, Inovasi dan Implementasinya. In: E-Pembelajaran Kimia: Aplikasi, Inovasi dan Implementasinya. Berkah Prima, Padang, pp. 1-294. ISBN 987-602-5994-66-1

Yolanda, Afria and Zainul, Rahadian (2020) Efek Konsentrasi Larutan NaCl Terhadap Kemampuan Fotoreaktor Heksagonal Berbasis Plat CuO/Al. Chemistry Journal of State University of Padang, 9 (2). pp. 16-18. ISSN 2339-1197

Zainul, Rahadian and Afrianti, Trayda and Bahri, Hafizatul and Putri, Sinta Rahmatika and Asral, Suci Sukma Taruna and Sari, Indah Permata (2020) Pengembangan Wabsite Pembelajaran Kimia di Sekolah Teknik Riset dan Uji Terapan. In: Pengembangan Waebsite Pembelajaran Kimia di Sekolah Teknik Riset dan Uji Terapan. Berkah Prima, Padang, pp. 1-211. ISBN 978-602-5994-67-8

Zainul, Rahadian and Oktavia, Budhi and Kurniawati, Desy and Afriati, Trayda (2020) Prototype Blended Learning pada Materi Kimia Kelas X Semester 2 di SMA/MA untuk Meningkatkan Kemampuan Berfikir Tingkat Tinggi (HOTS) sebagai Implementasi Pengembangan Kecakapan Era 4.0. 000201765.

Zainul, Rahadian (2020) Prototype Fotoreaktor Tandem PV-EC untuk Produksi Gas Hidrogen. 000201403.

Zainul, Rahadian and Oktavia, Budhi and Nasra, Edi and Arianti, Visca Alisia and Fatimah, Putri and Liza, Yulia Mona and Setiadi, Trihanto (2019) Development Study and Effectiveness of Online Data Based Scientific Writing Model Using Endnote Application for MGMP Chemistry Teachers Padang Panjang City. Pelita Eksakta, 2 (2). pp. 84-93.

Azis, Nurashikin Abd and Isa, Illyas Md and Hashim, Norhayati and Ahmad, Mohamad Syahrizal and Yazid, Siti Nur Akmar Mohd and Saidin, Mohamad Idris and Suyanta, Suyanta and Zainul, Rahadian and Ulianas, Alizar and Mukdasai, Siriboon (2019) Voltammetric Determination of Bisphenol A in the Presence of Uric Acid Using a Zn/Al-LDH-QM Modified MWCNT Paste Electrode. International Journal of Electrochemical Science, 14 (11). pp. 10608-10621.

Yohandri, Yohandri and Khairunnisa, Ramli and Zainul, Rahadian (2019) Development of a Digital Dip Coating System Based Microcontroller. EKSAKTA: Berkala Ilmiah Bidang MIPA, 20 (2). pp. 62-69. ISSN 2549-7464

Mandar, Sitiwi and Purnamsari, Devi and Zainul, Rahadian (2019) Chataliytic activity of nano ZnO/Cu for degradation humic acid under ilumination outdoor light. iopscience, 1481 (1). pp. 1-6.

R, Zilla and D, Purnamasari and Zainul, Rahadian (2019) Design of rotary photoreactor using nano Cu/TiO2 for degradation humic acid in outdoor visible light. iopscience, 1481 (1). pp. 1-7.

Rais, Nurul Syahida Mat and Isa, Illyas Md and Ahmad, Mohamad Syahrizal and Zainul, Rahadian and Suyanta, Suyanta and Mukdasai, Siriboon (2019) Simultaneously determination of bisphenol A and uric acid by zinc/aluminum-layered double hydroxide-2-(2,4 dichlorophenoxy) propionate paste electrode. International Journal of Electrochemical Science, 14 (8). pp. 7911-7924.

Husna, Thariqul and Zainul, Rahadian (2019) The Effect of Acid Bases Learning Media Using Android-Based Chemical Triangle Applications on Learning Outcomes of Class XI High School Students 3 in Padang City. International Journal of Progressive Sciences and Technologies (IJPSAT), 15 (1). pp. 53-57. ISSN 2509-0119

Zainul, Rahadian and Effendi, Jon and Mashuri, Mashuri (2019) Phototransformation of Linear Alkylbenzene Sulphonate (LAS) Surfactant Using ZnO-CuO Composite Photocatalyst. ICBSA 2018 International Conference on Basic Sciences and Its Applications, 1 (2). pp. 235-247.

Zainul, Rahadian and Wardani, Sri Wahyu (2019) The Performance of Hydrogen Generator based on a 4/4 Al-Cu Plates Designed Sandwich. EKSAKTA: Berkala Ilmiah Bidang MIPA, 20 (1). pp. 100-104. ISSN 2549-7464

Putri, Gusliani Eka and Arief, Syukri and Jamarun, Novesar and Gusti, Feni Rahayu and Zainul, Rahadian (2019) Microstuctural Analysis and Optical Properties of Nanocrystalline Cerium Oxides Synthesized by Precipitation Method. rasayanjournal, 12 (1). pp. 85-90. ISSN 0976-0083

Zainul, Rahadian and Azis, Nurashikin Abd and Isa, Illyas Md and Hashim, Norhayati and Ahmad, MohamadSyahrizal and Saidin, Mohamad Idris and Mukdasai, Siriboon (2019) Zinc/Aluminium–Quinclorac Layered Nanocomposite Modified Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotube Paste Electrode for Electrochemical Determination of Bisphenol A. Sensors (MDPI), 19 (4). pp. 1-15.

Djasli, Yuni Aulia Putri and Zainul, Rahadian (2019) Desain Fototransfomator Plat Tembaga (Ii) Oksida Cuo Pada Asam Humat. Chemistry Journal of State University of Padang, 8 (1). ISSN 2339-1197

R, Yulis and Zainul, Rahadian and M, Mawardi (2019) Effect of natrium sulphate concentration on indoor lights photovoltaic performance. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 1185 (1). pp. 1-8. ISSN 1742-6596

Zainul, Rahadian and I, Dewata and B, Oktavia (2019) Fabrication of hexagonal photoreactor indoor lights. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 1185 (1). pp. 1-7. ISSN 1742-6596

Perrianty, Fefri and Hardeli, Hardeli and Mawardi, Mawardi and Zainul, Rahadian and Julita, Rika and Yenti, Retna (2019) Improving Critical Thinking Skills through Module Solubility and Solubility Results Based on Discovery Learning with Probing Prompting Techniques at SMAN 1 Pariaman. International Journal of Progressive Sciences and Technologies (IJPSAT), 16 (1). pp. 246-250. ISSN 2509-0119

Mandar, Siltiwi and Zainul, Rahadian (2019) Sintesis dan Karakterisasi Nano Zno Doping Cu. Chemistry Journal of State University of Padang, 8 (1). pp. 20-23. ISSN 2339-1197

Ahmad, Mohamad Syahrizal and Isa, Illyas Md and Hashim, Norhayati and Saidin, Mohamad Idris and Suyanta, Suyanta and Zainul, Rahadian and Ulianas, Alizar and Mukdasai, Siriboon (2019) Zinc Layered Hydroxide-Sodium Dodecyl Sulphate-Isoprocarb Modified Multiwalled Carbon Nanotubes as sensor for Electrochemical Determination of Dopamine in Alkaline Medium. International Journal of Electrochemical Science, 14 (9). pp. 9080-9091.

Oktavia, Budhi and Sari, Mega Purnama and Sary, Ratih Comala and Lisa, Mona and Nasra, Edi and Zainul, Rahadian and Efendi, Jon (2018) Optimization and analysis of some oxinate metal complex system as introduction test for HPLC analysis. iopscience, 1317 (1). pp. 1-8.

Zainul, Rahadian and Effendi, Jon and Mashuri, Mashuri and Lisa, Mona (2018) Preparation of ZnO-CuO composite photocatalyst using the sonochemical method. iopscience, 1317 (1). pp. 1-6.

M, Mawardi and D, Deyundha and Zainul, Rahadian and R, Zalmi P (2017) Characterization of PCC Cement by Addition of Napa Soil from Subdistrict Sarilamak 50 Kota District as Alternative Additional Material for Semen Padang. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 335 (1). pp. 1-8.

Zainul, Rahadian and Kamal, Firmansyah Khairul Analisis Disain Geometri Sel Fotovoltaik Planar dan Faktor Kontaknya. Working Paper. Kimia FMIPA UNP, Padang.

Zainul, Rahadian and Novianti, Exsa Rahmah Analisis Geometri Model Elektroda Trapping Pada Reaktor Hidrogen Sistem Alir Terpadu. Working Paper. FMIPA Universitas Negeri Padang.

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