Development of Learning Device of Decorative Fashion Design Assisted by Coreldraw Program to Improve Creativity of Fashion Design College Student

Idrus, Yenni (2016) Development of Learning Device of Decorative Fashion Design Assisted by Coreldraw Program to Improve Creativity of Fashion Design College Student. In: International Seminar on Languages and Arts (ISLA)-5 FBS UNP, 19-20 Oc, Padang.

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Human as subject and object of globalization should have various abilities to adapt with advancement. Creativity is one of high level abilities that should be had by fashion design college student. Learning of decorative fashion design in Fashion Design Department in State University of Padang was used to be held manually (conventional) so that it was assumed not improve the creativity. This is a research and development study with ADDIE model including analysis, design, development, implementation, and evaluation aiming to develop the learning device of decorative fashion design assisted by CorelDRAW program to improve the creativity of fashion design college student. Analysis was performed on conventional learning device and observation. The designed and developed learning device including syllabus, learning plan (SAP), book, and instrument of assessment. Implementation was performed by using Randomized Control Group Only Design. Data of implementation result were obtained through observation, questionnaire, and test. Obtained data then be analyzed quantitatively. Based on evaluation result, concluded: (1) learning device of decorative fashion design assisted by CorelDRAW program is classified as very valid with score of 4.40; (2) learning device of decorative fashion design assisted by CorelDRAW program is classified as practical with score of 4.41; (3) learning device of decorative fashion design assisted by CorelDRAW program is classified as effective with score of 4.13; and (4) by using t-test, it is proved that creativity of student college studying with learning device of decorative fashion design assisted by CorelDRAW program is higher than creativity of student college studying with conventional learning device.

Item Type: Conference or Workshop Item (Paper)
Subjects: L Education > LC Special aspects of education
N Fine Arts > NX Arts in general
Divisions: Fakultas Pariwisata dan Perhotelan > Pendidikan Kesejahteraan Keluarga - S1
Depositing User: Mrs. Wiwi Sartika
Date Deposited: 09 Jun 2020 07:21
Last Modified: 09 Jun 2020 07:21

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