Pebuatan Zat Pewarna Kulit (Mahndi) Menggunakan Daun Pacar (Lawsonia Inermis, Kulit Kayu Manis (Cinnamomum Burmanii) dan Jeruk Lemon (Citrus Limon) sebagai Mordan

Kurnia, Sri Yati and Rahmiati, Rahmiati (2019) Pebuatan Zat Pewarna Kulit (Mahndi) Menggunakan Daun Pacar (Lawsonia Inermis, Kulit Kayu Manis (Cinnamomum Burmanii) dan Jeruk Lemon (Citrus Limon) sebagai Mordan. Jurnal Kapita Selekta Geografi, 2 (9). pp. 1-17. ISSN Print: 2622-4925 dan Online: 2622-4933


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Natural ingredients for generating colors other than henna leaves with a mixture of other ingredients that are beneficial for skin beauty is to use cinnamon bark (Cinnamomum burmannii) as a manufacture of natural dyes on the skin. Considering that natural dyes have less strong and less stable dyes, in this case researchers still added coloring agents or mordan daro lemons. This study aims to a) describe the color name (mhandi) from the use of henna leaves (lawsonia inermis) and lemon as mordan produced in the use of 4 hours, 6 hours, 8 hours on the skin, b) describe the color names (mahndi) of the use of henna leaves (Lawsonia Inermis), cinnamon bark (Cinnamomum burnaii) and lemon as mordan produced in the use of 4 hours, 6 hours, 8 hours on the skin.This type of research is experimental. The motorcycle taxis that will be used in this research are the palms which will be painted by painting or called mahndi using henna leaf material, cinnamon bark and lemon as mordan. In this study the natural dyes of henna leaf powder (Lawsonia inermis) use the same treatment in the form of preparation stage, treatment stage, yield stage. The difference lies in the addition of natural cinnamon bark (cinnamomum burmannii) and lemon as mordan used as the color name (hue), when the color arises. The population of this study is a limited individual panelist namely 2 teaching staff majoring in Makeup and Beauty, 6 students from the Faculty of Tourism and Hospitality, namely from the Makeup and Beauty department with the criteria of having the ability to distinguish colors and not color blind, and 1 person from the industry who uses henna services. Descriptive data analysis techniques by displaying frequency and percentage.Based on the research results obtained color results (hue) produced on skin coloring using henna leaves plus mordan lemon at 4 hours at most, namely 4 panelists or 44.5% states the color is carrot. In the color assessment (hue) with a time of use for 6 hours of skin coloring the most is 6 panelists or 66.7% expressed bronze color. In the assessment of color (hue) with a time of use for 8 hours of skin coloring obtained at most 4 panelists or 44.5% stated ginger color and color (hue) produced on skin coloring using henna leaves, cinnamon bark plus mordan lemon on 4 hours at most, namely 2 panelists or 22.2% stated each color, namely pumpkin, sandstone and carrot. In the assessment of color (hue) with a usage time of 6 hours of skin coloring obtained at most 6 panelists or 66.7% expressed ginger color. In the color assessment (hue) with a time of use for 8 hours of skin coloring obtained at most 5 panelists or 55.6% expressed bronze color.Suggestions for cosmetology and beauty education majors can use henna leaf plus cinnamon bark with mordan lemon as one input for practice in the manicure pedicure course.

Item Type: Article
Subjects: Q Science > QD Chemistry
Divisions: Fakultas Pariwisata dan Perhotelan > Pendidikan Tata Rias dan Kecantikan - D4
Depositing User: Mrs. Wiwi Sartika
Date Deposited: 13 Sep 2022 04:28
Last Modified: 13 Sep 2022 04:28

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