The Combination of Coastal Resources Potential: Development of Windmill Techno Park in the Context of Edutourism and Hinterland Analysis

Hasanuddin, Hasanuddin and Nurdin, Hasan and Waskito, Waskito and Refdinal, Refdinal (2017) The Combination of Coastal Resources Potential: Development of Windmill Techno Park in the Context of Edutourism and Hinterland Analysis. In: 2 International Conference on nd Mathematics, Science, Education and Technology, 5-6 Oktober 2017, Padang.

The Combination of Coastal Resources Potential- Development of Windmill Techno Park in the Context of Edutourism and Hinterland Analysis.pdf

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There are many coastal cities in Indonesia, among them the city of Padang and Pariaman in West Sumatra with the ownership of the grace of coastal resources, such as stunning coastal scenery and wind energy that can be converted to its potential. These two types of resources need to be combined utilization especially in relation to the development of tourism so as to have an impact on the regional development and the cities growth. This paper discusses of information related to the potential of coastal resources used as a parameter development of windmill techno park in the context of educational tourism. The discussion focuses on locational aspects and consideration of the design and modification for the windmill model to the enhancement of tourist attraction. In addition, it is also studying the presence of the windmill techno park as a development center in the context of hinterland in the regional analysis. Through the measurement results obtained average wind speed (2.5 - 6.5) m/s and meet the standards & criteria as a windmill design variables. While the geomorphology of the region, its location has a breathtaking coastal landscape as a tourist destination. Then through gravity analysis, the location of the windmill techno park development provides optimum strength to the growth of the city of Padang, with the value of interaction strength is higher than other regions. This means as a sub-urban area of the city the existence of windshield techno park later can support economic development and growth of cities around the coast.

Item Type: Conference or Workshop Item (Paper)
Subjects: T Technology > GT Technology (general)
Divisions: Fakultas Teknik > Teknik Mesin - D3
Depositing User: Mrs. Wiwi Sartika
Date Deposited: 17 Jun 2020 14:57
Last Modified: 18 Jun 2020 02:01

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