Role Reinforcement of LPTK PTK in Improving Vocational Teachers' Quality in Indonesia at SMK N 5 Padang

Marmai, Ungsi Antara Oku (2017) Role Reinforcement of LPTK PTK in Improving Vocational Teachers' Quality in Indonesia at SMK N 5 Padang. In: 4th International Conference on Technical and Vocation Education and Training: Effect of EGRICS Injection Duration on Emission Diesel Engine, 9-11 November 2017, Padang.

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One of the implications of globalization in education is the demand for graduates and the quality of skills in accordance with the demands of the labor market. Vocational education school is a school used as a place to create graduates who have an important role in advancing education in particular. Meanwhile, the Indonesian economy is generally appointed. The progress of a school can be realized by improving the quality of vocational education is good, and also the role of teachers is also important in the learning process and LPTK PTK. Thus, it can produce qualified teachers. This is evidenced after the existence of this 2013 curriculum, teachers are required to be able to use various learning media and various approaches, depending on the material being taught. Thus, strengthening the role of LPTK PTK should be done in improving the quality of vocational education’s teachers, especially in Vocational education schools in this West Sumatra. For example in SMK 5 Padang, in particular. The quality of vocational education’s teacher is well designed and conducted to meet market demand. Thus, institutional partnerships are needed in the development of vocational education, to be applied as a strategy in curriculum implementation through learning through workplace simulations that will create the suitability of graduate quality and market demand for labor. So that graduates will be familiar with the work they will do in the company

Item Type: Conference or Workshop Item (Paper)
Subjects: L Education > L Education (General)
T Technology > GT Technology (general)
Divisions: Fakultas Teknik > Teknik Sipil dan Bangunan - D3
Depositing User: Mrs. Wiwi Sartika
Date Deposited: 06 May 2019 06:23
Last Modified: 06 May 2019 07:49

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