Evaluasi Perogram Layanan Bimbingan Karir dengan Model Kirkpatrick di SMK Negeri 1 Kecamatan Guguak Kabupaten Lima Puluh Kota

Yasmiri, Yasmiri and Syah, Nurhasan and Ambiyar, Ambiyar and Hamid, Mustofa Abi (2017) Evaluasi Perogram Layanan Bimbingan Karir dengan Model Kirkpatrick di SMK Negeri 1 Kecamatan Guguak Kabupaten Lima Puluh Kota. Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Teknik Elektro, 2 (1). pp. 23-34. ISSN Print 2528-5688 dan online: 2528-5696

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Career guidance is expected to help students to establish students career choice to be a profes- sional in the future. However, current conditions and the fact in area is not as expected. This study aimed to evaluate how Reaction, Learning, Behavior and Result on the Career Guidance program at SMK Negeri 1 Kecamatan Guguak Kabupaten Lima Puluh Kota. The kind of this research is an evaluation study with the program evaluation of Kirkpatrick model that is a Reaction component, Learning, Behavior and Result. The method used is mixed method. Quantitative data were collected through quisionnaire, while the qualitative data collected through interview, observation and documentation. It can be concluded that career guidance services at SMK Negeri 1 Kecamatan Guguak Kabupaten Lima Puluh Kota is good enough category, Reaction and Learning component still needs to be improved and more attention.

Item Type: Article
Subjects: B Philosophy. Psychology. Religion > BF Psychology
Divisions: Fakultas Teknik > Pendidikan Teknik Mesin - S1
Depositing User: Mrs. Wiwi Sartika
Date Deposited: 14 Mar 2019 04:09
Last Modified: 14 Mar 2019 04:09
URI: http://repository.unp.ac.id/id/eprint/21305

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