Performance Multi Blade Windmill Planiter Transmission System Using Differential for Electrical Energy Conversion

Waskito, Waskito and Hasanuddin, Hasanuddin and Purwantono, Purwantono and Ambiyar, Ambiyar and Hendri, N. (2016) Performance Multi Blade Windmill Planiter Transmission System Using Differential for Electrical Energy Conversion. In: The 8th International Convention of Indonesian Association of Technological and Vocational Education (Aptekindo) and 19th Indonesian Congress of FT.FPTK-JPTK, 3-6 Agustus 2016, Medan.


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Exploiting the potential of wind energy as a free energy in coastal areas through the development multiblade windmill gear transmission system using differential planiter thereby increasing the revolutionary energy. With the completion of energy storage and inverter equipment on a model windmill gear transmission differential planiter developed, it is able to generate electricity for the needs of the home industry. The draft through a combination of exploratory and design approach to engineering and energy development through the windmill to the area that has the potential of wind energy (coastal or V notch / slit hills). Multi-blade windmills were developed with planiter differential gear transmission system produces a good performance with the performance of the electric power generated estimated 1500 watts. This condition can be achieved at an average wind speed of 2.35 m / sec so as to drive a generator/alternator electricity. Round generator / alternator average of 201.3 rpm and allows the electrical energy and is supplied to the charging / battery with an average of 3 to 5 volts. Contiue battery will drain the electrical energy converted from electric voltage 12 Volt to 220 Volt through an inverter. So this voltage can be used to overcome the electrical energy needs for one day. The condition of the battery / battery at 11.5 Volt position continues to receive a continuous supply of electrical energy during the wheel spin. In the coastal areas which have the potential of wind energy can sufficiently so that the application of these windmills can meet the needs of electrical energy that is both simple and applicable.

Item Type: Conference or Workshop Item (Paper)
Subjects: T Technology > GT Technology (general)
Divisions: Fakultas Teknik > Pendidikan Teknik Mesin - S1
Depositing User: Mrs. Wiwi Sartika
Date Deposited: 21 Aug 2018 06:23
Last Modified: 14 Mar 2019 07:30

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