Development of Giant Magnetoresistance Material Based on Cobalt Ferrite

Djamal, M. and Ramli, Ramli and Haryanto, Freddy (2015) Development of Giant Magnetoresistance Material Based on Cobalt Ferrite. ACTA PHYSICA POLONICA A, 128 (2-B). pp. 19-22. ISSN 0587-4246

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This paper describes an experimental study on development of giant magnetoresistance material based on cobalt ferrite (CoFe2O4). We have successfully developed a new giant magnetoresistance material based on CoFe2O4 i.e; Sandwich (CoFe2O4/CuO/CoFe2O4), spin valve (FeMn/CoFe2O4/CuO/CoFe2O4), and organic giant magnetoresistance (CoFe2O4/Alq3/CoFe2O4) using dc-opposed target magnetron sputtering method. Crystalline structure and morphology of thin films were characterized by X-ray diffraction and scanning electron microscope. The electrical properties were characterized using a four-point probe and magnetic properties were characterized using a vibrating sample magnetometer. In sandwich structure, the giant magnetoresistance ratio maximum are found at room temperature in CoFe2O4/CuO/CoFe2O4 thin film is 70% when CoFe2O4 and CuO layer thickness are 62.5 nm and 14.4 nm, respectively. The maximum of giant magnetoresistance ratio of the spin valve structure obtained is 32.5% at FeMn layer thickness of 45 nm. Meanwhile, in organic giant magnetoresistance the maximum value of the giant magnetoresistance ratio are approximately 35.5% at room temperature.

Item Type: Article
Subjects: Q Science > QC Physics
Divisions: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam > Fisika - S1
Depositing User: Mrs. Wiwi Sartika
Date Deposited: 01 Feb 2018 07:25
Last Modified: 01 Feb 2018 07:25

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